alias | rem |
birthday | 07.20.2003 |
zodiac | cancer |
fruit | strawberry |
species | cat |
contact | mèo#4408 |
Hello, hello! Symbolically speaking, I'm a stray cat in a cardboard box. Take me home and wrap me in a warm blanket. I enjoy doing normal things and I have an array of normal interests.
I'm by no means a 'programmer' although I once had plans to transfer to UC Davis as a CS major. One day I want to revisit learning C++, however I found I don't have too much in common with my peers in terms of goals, values, etc. & it was overall a pretty alienating experience. In the middle of my studies, I was put in the mental hospital and then into an intensive outpatient 5 days a week, and when I finally got discharged I just... found myself unable to take the same courseload I used to.
My mom majored in CS and now manages databases at our local community college, and used to work at Intel, so I have had a lot of exposure to programming at a young age. My dad even tried to get me to go to a bootcamp for Python in middle school, because at the time Python was this easy, up-and-coming programming language which had a lucrative job market. I never went to the camp, by the way. Trying to 'get' me to do stuff because of the money is pretty futile. It was really my mom who got me interested in CS: "Programming is an art, the language you use to speak to the computer," she'd say. Optimizing programs, finding the easiest and most efficient way to write them – being an 'architect' – is the part of CS that appealed to me.
I started this site as merely an archive of my thoughts and ramblings (the layout used to be much more minimalistic to reflect this– however, there is always the library if you wish to peruse something more bare-bores, content-only). It was only recently that I began experimenting with HTML & CSS. It does mean many of my updates are style-related rather than content-related. But, I am always happy to learn more nonetheless, and there is always more I need to log on here due to my early-onset dementia (Joke) & various mental issues which make it hard for me to retain information. I'll remember something you said years ago, but when it comes to anything pertaining to myself, things seem to slip my mind more often than not. I guess this site is like a big reminder slip that I have things I like, things I want to learn about, things to live for.
I am not very talkative, although I will follow sites I enjoy and leave guestbook messages now and then.
I generally do not get along with TERFs & those who are 'edgy' for sport. Sensitive topics will pop up albeit infrequently, and they are fairly easy to avoid on this blog. I hope we get along!

(me, colorized)
about updated @ 02/26/2022
site created @ 11/26/2021
Anime & Manga
Mob Psycho 100*, Nekojiru, Monster, Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei, Monogatari Series, Panty & Stocking, FLCL, Death Note, Osomatsu-san* - Some mangakas I like are Naoki Urasawa, Kii Kanna, Koji Kumeta & More
My Little Pony, Gravity Falls, Avatar: The Last Airbender
Franz Kafka (Specifically: In the Penal Colony, Investigations of a Dog, The Trial, Description of a Struggle*), I also like Anne Carson, Richard Siken, Ocean Vuong & Anaïs Nin.
Enon, Cocteau Twins, AJJ, Vashti Bunyan, Strawberry Switchblade, Jack Off Jill, Car Seat Headrest, Radiohead, And One, Heavens to Betsy, Sweet Trip, Broadcast, Soutaiseiriron, The Pillows, Jun Togawa, MOSAIC.WAV & 電波
Angel Blue, Daisy Lovers, Mezzo Piano, Black Peace Now, H.Naoto (ANARCHY/FRILL), Drug Honey, Hysteric, Baby the Stars Shine Bright, Angelic Pretty, Moi-Même-Moitié, Ma*rs, Liz Lisa, Ozz Oneste/Croce/Angelo, Hell Cat Punks
Record collecting, antiques, thrifting, sugarbunnies, scented candles.
infj 5w4 (549) spsx mel-phleg
cancer ☼ aries ☽ taurus ↑
hue #66CDAA
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